Was perusing the
Occupy Midian group on Facebook when I noticed a conversation going about how sexy Shuna Sassi is/was. So I decided to go on a quest and find some more gorgeous/sexy breed ladies, just to prove that not all that is in Midian is monstrous looking. So without further ado, the Breed Beauties (I linked the photos back to the original places I found them).
Rachel is a shape shifter, her body is capable of becoming smoke, a very subtle smoke, that is able to pass through solid material. She was born in Hungary and little else is known about her.
Shuna Sassi
Shuna Sassi is covered in poison quills, and once worked in a bordello. She has found love, in the form of Peloquin.
Image from Clive Barker's The Nightbreed Chronicles |
Unfortunately, I do not recall seeing Chocolat in either version of the movie, but she is definitely one of the Breed Beauties. She is the mother of 3 never aging children(infants), one of which was stolen away from her.
Annastasjia has always been a beauty, even before she became breed. She was considered a great beauty of the silent movies she acted in. However, a botched skin graft that tried to take over resulted in Annastasjia to accept that she was host to the previous owner of the skin she received. She is now in Midian.
Lizzie B
Image from Clive Barker's The Nightbreed Chronicles |
Lizzie B is a beauty that is rarely seen, but she is one of the Tribes of the Moon.
I do not know the above Breed's name, but her facial structure is one of beauty, despite the missing lower face. And lovely eyes I might add.
And, well, if you watched the original movie, you have no idea that Lori becomes Breed. Unless of course you read the book Cabal by Clive Barker. And Lori, played by Anne Bobby, is most certainly a Breed BEAUTY!
If I were a breed beauty I would want horns...(photo from Halloween '09) But I felt it was as close to looking like a Midian occupant as I will ever get. I want to see your Occupy Midian photos and your photos as you showing your Breed face! Share links, etc. in the comments please!
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