Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Help the Tribes of The Moon

Imagine the Tribes today, where are they, do they hear the same call that those of us with Occupy Midian do?
She glanced at the cigarette between her fingers, noticing the lines and creases that had deepened over the years. She watched the ash grow against the flaming ember of the cherry and tried to remember. Lately, memories were fading more and more. Try as she might she could not remember when she first started smoking and now the act gave her no pleasure, it was a habit, no a time honored tradition, that held her to her old self, like a blanket that comforts a babe in its youth. 
She felt the calling, and knew the others felt it too, as they grew restless in their slumber. Twenty-two years of traveling. Twenty-two years of searching. Their numbers had both grown and dwindled, losing some, while gaining others through birth or discovery. her own children were amongst them. Creatures of the night or Tribes of the Moon.
Since that fateful night in Midian, the group had been separated, with her Boone trying to lead them back to one another, back to home. No, Cabal was their leader, Boone was her lover. Two different creatures, one man, one beast, but residing within the confines of one body. She, herself, shared this dilemma, the dilemma of being two. And, oh, what a joyful dilemma it could be.
The call came to her again, as it had more frequently these last three months. She looked to Cabal, he only nodded and said, "Baphomet."
 Help the Tribes of the Moon answer Baphomet's call, sign the petition for the release of the Cabal Cut of Nightbreed:

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