Tuesday, April 3, 2012

And Pandemonium Breaks Loose...

Tonight's Nightbreed flashback is brought to you from another piece out of Richie V.'s collection. pg. 68 of Pandemonium Conceived and Edited by Michael Brown.

In the top left you have David Cronenberg as the maniacal Dr. Decker. In the original cut of Nightbreed, you miss out on how much of a hold that little mask has on Decker. You get to hear it talk to him (or command him rather) in the Cabal cut, which even if a shorter addition to the movie, is quite a treat in and of itself.

In the top right corner is a Pre-Production sketch of Decker with the button face mask on. I love how skeletal this sketch looks. However, even without the movie Decker looking quite this menacing, that little mask still sometimes shows up in the corners of my most uncomfortable dreams.

Bottom left corner is a Pre-Production sketch of Ashberry transformed. Great little sketch and they stick fairly close with it in the film.

Bottom right corner is Malcolm Smith being made to look like the scalded Ashberry. If you have seen the Cabal cut (which too many of the population hasn't, and we hope that this gets rememdied asap) then you have missed an incredible ending where Ashberry's character has quite a transformation, for me this by itself changed the entire movie and left me yearning to know more about his character.

So many things were made more beautiful and more ugly (in a good way that ugly can sometimes be good) for me. For those of you who want the chance to see this movie please help by joining the Occupy Midian/Bring Back Nightbreed movement:

Bring Back Nightbreed - a facebook page
Occupy Midian - a facebook group
Nightbreed Petition

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